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"I see Rafa as a wonderful, gentle, sensitive and present healer."

About Rafael Pinheiro

Portrait Energieheiler

I am an intuitive healer with a big heart who sees the potential in every being. In my offerings I like to explore physical, energetic and spiritual dimensions, from quiet, expectation-free surrender to wild expression of body, breath and voice. I am grateful to experience the mysteries of this sacred world of ours as I seek to integrate ancient mystical teachings into my daily life. Living authentically and in love is one of my greatest goals as a father and as a human being.


Even in my childhood, my sense of justice and my need to help others and support the disadvantaged was strong. During my university studies, I was affectionately called "soci" because I always behaved so socially towards everyone. In a healing circle during my social internship with street children in Brazil, the participants recognised my loving heart and prophesied that I would one day heal people with my hands. This statement touched me deeply, but was forgotten during my further years of study.

It was only when I repeatedly encountered healers and shamans on a two-year trip through Latin America and discovered my own healing gifts that the memory and this feeling gradually returned. Since then, I have felt a strong call to support people on their path. I am also the father of two wonderful children, to whom I want to set an example of a healthy, open-hearted humanity that is connected to nature and everything.

Shamanic Energy Healing Arts?

I do not call myself a shaman. I have the greatest respect for the medicine women and men or shamans of indigenous cultures around the world. As part of their training, which can take 30 to 40 years, they go through physical and spiritual initiations/examinations that we can hardly imagine in our 'western' culture. They also have access to "secret" knowledge that is not simply passed on to everyone. Nevertheless, my offer can be called shamanic, as I learn from a medicine man who passes on his traditional, centuries-old knowledge from various indigenous cultures (especially from North America). I could also call my offer traditional or indigenous (=connected to the land, nature), but the term "shamanism" is widely used and many people have an idea of its meaning. You can find more information about cultural appropriation on my video page:


My various trainings and openness serve me well in my energy healing sessions, workshops, photo shoots and ceremonies, as well as in my work with delinquent youth. I live with my partner and my children in Bern (CH).

Curriculum Vitae

    since 2020  Training in Shamanic Energy Healing 

    since 2010  Teacher

20192020  Training in Systemic Bodywork with Haka & Coaching

20192020  Breath Therapy Training

           2019  Sweat Lodge Course with Darrel Combs

20162018  Travelling and living in Latin America with insights into different healing traditions

20082017  Jugend&Sport Teacher in Tennis and Snowboarding

20132016  Master in Geography with focus on sustainable development

20102013  Teaching diploma for Matura schools

20062010  Bachelor in Sport and Geography

           2005  Course in sports massage

20022005  Matura with focus on philosophy, psychology & pedagogy

About Raum für Klarheit

Why space for clarity?

SPACE On my path of healing and self-awareness, I experience in a wide variety of settings how important it is for someone to hold the space for me. I also make this experience possible for the participants in my programmes by creating a sacred and protected space.

CLARITY Following a systemic constellation as part of my training, clarity as a quality has become a beacon for me, which I use to orientate myself and my actions in all areas of everyday life. This has had and continues to have an impact on three levels:

CLARITY WITHIN ME I feel myself and my needs and feelings better and better. I know more about what I want, what my visions and passions are, what defines me and also where my limits are. I am more able to accept what is going on inside me and that life is easier for me sometimes and less so on other days. The clarity within me helps me to recognise and transform beliefs. As a result, I am more myself.

CLARITY THROUGH ME I communicate and represent my needs, wishes, moods and boundaries etc. more often, for example in my dealings with my partner, my child, my friends or in my working environment. At the same time, I am less trapped in my behavioural patterns. All of this makes me much more authentic.

CLARITY AROUND ME When I am clear within myself and communicate authentically and clearly, this gives those around me the opportunity to act, feel and express themselves in the same way. On the one hand, this simplifies conversations; they become more direct, open and honest. On the other hand, those around me behave differently towards me because I am more tangible. My relationships with other people are more relaxed.

My Trainings

Master Practitioner of Energy Medicine, Healing Presence
Darrel Combs - Earthwinds Academy


Systemic Bodywork incl. Coaching & Haka
Sascha Tetzlaff - HAKUNA Solution


Profesorado de Respiración Alquímica - Sexualidad Sagrada
(Alchemical Breathwork - Sacred Sexuality)

Sajeeva Hurtado - Llena de Vida

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